I wouldn't characterize Bo and I as hoarders, but there are a few items, especially in the basement, that needed to go long ago.

For example,
#294 5 Cans of Expired Soup - I can't even remember what recipe I had that called for broccoli cheese soup, but the cream of mushroom was for a Beef Stroganoff recipe. At some point I swore off "cream of whatever" soups, and at that point should have donated these to someplace who could have used them. Instead, this week I cut the labels off to donate to Red Bird Mission, as I have done in the
past. Then I opened each one up to wash it out and recycle the can. What a waste! Surprisingly, the soups looked and smelled just the same as brand new cans of soup. Y
ou decide if that is good or bad.
UPDATE: After I posted this, the Eastern Illinois Foodbank tweeted me: "FYI, food past date doesn't always mean we can't use it. Bring it by and if it's unusable, we'll toss."
On that same food rack in the basement (our pantry is small so we store extras downstairs), I found
#295 Several Other Non-perishable Foods that were not expired (sounds like an oxymoron) and that we'll likely not use. The Jello-Os were actually in the pantry, but still hadn't been touched in years. The rice was for making homemade rice pudding (yeah, right!, well at least not anytime soon). The pasta is not tasty compared to our fave: Barilla. And the tomatoes won't get used cuz we rarely cook with them anyway, and if so we'll get fresh or jarred. These got dropped off at County Market for The
Food for Families Drive of Eastern Illinois Foodbank. FYI, the foodbank can do a LOT more with monetary donations, so if you wanna support them, give moolah, but if you're not gonna use something in your pantry, give it to them instead of tossing it, like I shamefully did with the soups.

Also in the basement, and it has been not only since we moved but since I came here for college 12 YEARS AGO,
#296 a Bunch of Used Candles and Wax. In high school, I was crafty (not at all like I am now), and used to make candles as a hobby and give them to people too. I have not made a single candle in at least 12 years. It will also be a while before Bean and Monkey are old enough to help with that. I thought
the I.D.E.A store would take it, but they only take unused bricks of wax. I tried to
Freecycle it, but no takers. Would this be the first time since I started PURGE in January that I'd need to throw something away? Nope! Yesterday, I posted it for Free in the
arts and crafts section of
Craig's List and some picked it up today! That was a close call :)

We've also owned this
#297 Full-Size Mattress and #298 Full Size Box Spring for over a decade. Bo had it before we met and he thinks it was his brother's. I've had it since 2001 when I moved into an unfinished apartment, then it became "ours" again when we moved into our current house and it's been in the guest room. Bean decided it was his (as was the guest room) soon before Monkey was born, which worked out well cuz we needed him out of the crib/toddler bed and out of the nursery. So yeah, it's old but it's served us well for a while, especially as Bean's bed for the past 3 years or so..that is until he puked on it a couple days ago. Luckily 2 mattress pads saved it from bad damage, but it still got stained, and we've been looking for an excuse to get Bean a new bed. So out to the front porch it went while I posted it to
Freecycle yesterday. I was really hoping to not have to chuck it because even Bean was wondering "Someone wants my bed with my throw-up on it?" Yes. It also got picked up today too :) YAY!