Looking through my camera today, I realized that I had one more group of items that I PURGEd for the Clean Water Garage Sale but forgot to document on this blog.
Behold, my Christmas junk:
#264 - Hand towels - the cardinal set, the teddy bear set, and the two mini ones in the middle were both really soft, and I hated to see them go.
#265 - 6 Pink Ball Ornaments - These we got when we first got our tree to be fillers, but now we have enough ornaments with meaning.
#266 - 6 Mini Ornaments - Just got these last year as a gift and we don't need them.
#267 - Pair of Ugly Ornaments with faces on them (one tree, one pine cone. ewww). White Elephant gift.
#267 - Candles - These are cute, but again, just trying to streamline.
#268 - Stuffed Bear - I've have this since 2nd or 3rd grade from my best friend. I've put it out each year since then. It holds a special place in my heart. But I have a pic of it and that'll due.
#269 - Snowmen decorations - These are kinda cute too. I like things that match but are not exact duplicates, but they are not exactly the look I'm going for.
Last Christmas I set these aside in the basement to be donated before this holiday season to Goodwill or something like that. I'm glad I didn't have to wait that long! I know for a fact that many of these sold at the garage sale, so that's a bonus too.
Ugh, I really need to find this pic today. It's been harder to PURGE as I get closer to my due date because there is so many other things on my mind and to prepare for. And at the same time I'm refilling my house with more stuff for the baby. I'm hoping that in the coming weeks I can get a little farther ahead because I have no idea how PURGE will go when my baby girl gets here.
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