
Money PURGE earned for myself: $41.46
Money PURGE Helped Raise for a Well in Liberia: $1501.00

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Week 10 PURGE - Car

Car PURGE sounds like I got motion-sickness and had to pull over to hurl out the door. Considering the amount of filth that has collected this past winter in our one shared car, I could have hurled while cleaning it out finally this weekend. I had hoped that a road trip to the East Coast for Christmas would force me to clean it out once during winter, but that trip was canceled and along with it went my only incentive to PURGE the car.
Well, when this Saturday brought our first taste of spring, Bean and Monkey were so eager to play outside that it freed me up to be the "Car Cleaning Monster" as Bean called me. Armed with a crate (to bring items inside), a trash bag (to throw stuff away), a vacuum cleaner (to suck up fallen breakfast items from the past 4 months), and a vengeance (to unleash on our unsuspecting Civic) I gave that car a much needed PURGE.
I was too embarrassed to take a "before" picture in fear that you might think my family are carriers of dysentery. Ok, there was nothing that bad in there, no forgotten diaper, not even an old sippy cup with sour milk in it. No, the worst of the gross stuff was #59 Crumbs and Cereal from when we've had to do breakfast on the go. You gotta love bagless vacuums and their not-so-subtle way of telling you that you should vacuum more.
The next main items PURGEd from the car were #60 Arts and Crafts that the boys make at school and Sunday School. No joke, I found a coloring sheet from Thanksgiving! Also some placemats from a Mexican restaurant that the boys colored on. Most of those went into the recycling, but we kept a few as mementos.

I also found #61 Thank You Notes from the boys' teachers for their Christmas presents to them. I let them read over them, but the went immediately into the recycling after that. I try not to be too sentimental. The point is to keep as much as possible from entering my house, so I don't have to PURGE it later.
There was also #62 a Bag of Spare Clothes for Corban to bring to school. Luckily he hasn't needed them, cuz I was thinking that they were there already.
Surprisingly, our trunk isn't that bad. But, #63 a Bag of Bags finally got brought back to the grocery store so they can recycle them. That was about it back there.

There was also a lot of toys, books, cups and bowls, but that's not really a PURGE because they just went back into the house. Thankfully, I was able to quickly get them cleaned up and put away where they need to go, so they didn't add to the clutter of the house. Our new rule is that whatever is brought into the car is taken back out, so that the car is not a storage facility anymore. We'll see how long we can keep this up with two kiddos who love to eat in the car and bring toys in the car every morning :/

BTW, sorry there are no pics again. I can't find my camera! I took pics, so I'll upload them later.
Next week: Winter Wardrobe PURGE

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